Thursday, December 12, 2013


Another year older; another year wiser
Hoping this finds you and yours healthy, happy, cozy, and warm!  Hoping that 2013 brought you love, friendship, and lots of laughter!
My resolution, was to conquer my fear of flying.  It had been nearly 35 years since I had flown.  Success!! (with Rosary and prayer)  The girls and I flew to NYC to see “Newsies”; Ralph and I flew to Playa de Carmen to vacation with Michael, Erin, Megan, and Nathan. Ralph and I flew to Denver to celebrate a friend’s son’s wedding and tour Colorado.  While there, I visited with a high school friend whom I hadn’t seen in about 19 years. Liz guided us through Boulder. All three trips were phenomenal…great sites…great company!
All three children moved into new homes this year (I say that there is only one thing next…weddings…new homes with 4 bedrooms…???).  Mallory and Eric moved to Coraopolis, Michael and Erin settledin Upper St. Clair, and Megan and Nathan chose Bridgeville.  We are blessed to have them, each,within 45 minutes!  The true blessing is that they are within 25 minutes of one another.
We, definitely, enjoyed our new pool area this summer!  It was great to never leave home to vacation!  Ralph hasn’t retired. His health is good…expected aches and pains…it’s been 5 years. I work, one night a week, in a children’s boutique, called Principessa, (just to be around little clothingJ) along with teaching at the middle school.  My parents are still in good health.
We consider ourselves blessed in every way.
May 2014 bring you all that makes you happiest along with
strength and courage when life takes a turn.
At night, may you rest with peace of mind!

Monday, February 18, 2013

SIX months later...

We are six months out of transplant and all is going well!  Ralph, recently, learned that his myeloma count was .73.  We are under the impression that this is very good....the transplant was successful!  Yes, his bones they are weak.  He takes a pill form chemo for 21 days; then off for seven.  Monthly, he has bloodwork and receives bone strengthening IV meds.
We had a wonderful Christmas and NewYear! We have weathered this storm, and the waters are calm right now.  As always, we appreciate your thoughts and prayers...Thank you!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

In a nutshell...

Oh my!  2012 was one crazy, emotional roller coaster ride with a series of peaks and valleys...a year of fear, hope, faith, and of dreams coming true!

We started out the year with Ralph having chemo treatments in preparation of his second stem-cell transplant.  The transplant would only be scheduled when his counts were deemed to be as low as they could reach.  Each month, we held our breath hoping that the chemo was effective for him to receive his transplant before Michael's and Mallory's weddings.  Then the reality came that he might have to miss one or the other or both.  With God's grace, Ralph received his transplant in between both weddings and danced at both!

Michael and Erin were married on June 30th.  The ceremony took place at her aunt's family's winery, and the reception was on her family's farm in central PA.  The event was picture perfect!  The rolling hills of PA set the scene, and every detail was exactly the way that they envisioned.  Friends and family traveled, and fun was had by all!  They honeymooned in Hawaii.  Michael has just accepted a new corporate accounting job, and he and Erin have begun considering buying another or building a new house.

Megan and Nathan have committed to a new town home, being built, in Bridgeville.  They hope to move in by August.  They may need to stay with us after the home that they sold closes.  Megan continues to thrive, with her State Farm Insurance office, in McMurray.  She keeps herself extra busy with community events, committees, and helping to coach a dance team in Peters Township.

Mallory and Eric were married on September 8th, at Lingrow Farm, in Leechburg, PA.  She imagined a barn with twinkle lights, and that's exactly what she found!  Again, friends and family traveled to celebrate and dance the night away.  They plan to honeymoon next summer.  Mallory graduated from Pitt last spring and is a speech therapist in the McGuffey School District.  They are committed to building a house in Kennedy Township.

I transferred to the middle school, this year, and love my new position in eighth grade pre-algebra and physical science as an Inclusion teacher.  I kept myself busy all summer.  As if preparing for and planning Mallory's bridal shower, in our yard, wasn't enough, I also planned and supervised the retirement resort that we are building on the rear of our property.  At least 35 trees were cleared to make room for a pool and amenities.  We hope to be complete by May.  Ralph and I are pretty excited to be able to relax and entertain and refuel without leaving home!   We also remodeled our bathroom to create a zen retreat.  It's been a joy to watch dreams become realities...we are blessed!

The girls and I are planning a short trip to NYC for a show and shopping between Christmas and New Year's.  In June, we plan to travel to Mexico for a family vacation!  Ralph and I continue to live life to the fullest!  We take nothing for granted.  Our faith is strong, and we live with hope!  We count our blessings and have rearranged our priorities.

Together, Ralph and I wish you all the joys that life can bring!  We wish you good health and safety!  We wish you peace of mind, the love of family, true friendship, and laughter with each new day!

 Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Four months later, we are blessed to have had our family gather, on the Sunday before the Thursday Thanksgiving, to count our blessings!  We filled our bellies and our hearts!
Ralph has achy bones, but otherwise,

 he feels pretty good. His hair and his sass is back, and he plans to go hunting. He works part-time and plays an occasional game of golf.
We look forward to another Christmas surrounded by family and friends!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

NINE MONTHS...umbrellas down...storm has passed

Ralph saw his oncology hemotolagist on Tuesday...All looks good... Still needs to be careful... Wash hands... Stay away from fresh fruit and veggies for another six weeks... Start to exercise at home...resume life as he feels able.

As for me, I am putting struggles behind and allowing God to totally take the wheel. Ralph knows what he needs to do to strengthen and support his healthy cells. Yes, there is always a dark cloud overhead, but I refuse to walk around holding an umbrella waiting for it to storm again! Your prayers and support, friends and family, have strengthened me and made me courageous. I will face my fears when my obstacles cannot be stepped over, stepped around, or stepped through. Until then, I am going to live, laugh, and dance myself silly!

On the days when I kick and scream, I will remember your kind and supportive words. With your words and caring and prayers and the grace of God, I will find more strength for the next day. My attitude will change to accommodate those things that I cannot
change. I will be more courageous to face my fears. I will know that I am not alone. So, when inspiration is found from my words or strength or attitude, it is because of you...we have gone full circle ...we are all blessed!

May God bless each of you with good health and many reasons to LAugH! Celebrate life every day!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Labwork Looks Good...

Ralph's blood work showed counts high enough for him not to be considered neutropenic.  He is still going to be cautious until after his hematology oncology appointment on the 31st. 

When running errands, Ralph has been wearing his mask and riding along.  He stays in the car, but it is obvious that the energy that he exerts for that exhausts him.   His appetite is pretty good, and he is very thirsty.  He is also making an effort to drink a lot to flush his body from chemo. 

He attempts some paperwork.  Phone calls and short visits, when he can sit outside, are welcome. 

Your cards, messages, caring, and prayers lift us.  Thank you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

14 days later...

Ralph's white cell count was high enough (4) to come home!  As scary as it is for me, he is thrilled to be in his own bed.  His home comments included, "We have a nice yard" and "you don't know how good my bed feels".  Well, I have an idea about both since I tried to create a clean comfortable bed and a picturesque yard.  However, I hope that I never have to gain the appreciation that Ralph has for either.

He spent most of the first evening in his room.  He did come downstairs to eat and took the dogs out.  He walked through the yard then back to his room. 

He is still a little anxious and gets confused unless he focuses on one thing at a time.  I am trying to get him to focus on staying germ free and forget the rest.  He plans to greet visitors next week...outside only.  Hopefully, that works out for him.

Your cards and well wishes and calls and prayers give us strength and courage.  Thank you!  We plan to have a break from thinking about Multiple Myeloma for awhile.  We plan to try a carefree look on life!