Monday, May 21, 2012

Save me a dance...

Ralph is responding well to the chemo. Thus, he will have a third round, this weekend, and should be well enough to be on the dance floor at Michael's and Erin's wedding! When he no longer responds, he will go to transplant. This is good news, as we were very concerned that he might miss the wedding...the thought was breaking my heart. God is good...He obviously wants us to embarrass our children, one more time, with our awesome dance moves!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

100 reasons to CRY...1000 reasons to SMILE...

So many, out of concern, ask how Ralph is doing.  So many pray for all of us.  Bottom line...he is sick...he has cancer.  His bones ache, he has less energy or stamina, and is scared.  With that, we are members of a club that we did not want to join, yet the dues is great! 

A grey cloud follows us and will for the rest of his life.  We have learned to live this roller coaster ride.  We make no plans that are too far in the future.  We live day-to-day...sometimes moment-to-moment.  We are constantly holding our breath. We get angry...we cry...we feel lost.  Feelings are unpredictable.

HOWEVER, through the grey cloud, there are MANY more breaks of sunshine...reasons to laugh, to forget, to enjoy! These moments are much appreciated and keep us sane.  He dresses and leaves the house every day.  I am able to work and enjoy the support of friends.  WE HAVE 3 HEALTHY CHILDREN.  God has blessed us immensely!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hare today...goon tomorrow...little bunny foo-foo's gone!  Ralph has lost his hair and gained weight!  The steroids and chemo were less than kind.  He did receive 2 units of blood, on Monday night, and one unit of platelets.  His energy level and breathing improved a lot.  Today, he has more blood work...maybe more blood and platelets.  On May 14th, he will have blood work to determine the effect of the chemo.  He will meet with his doctor, at Hillman, on the 21st.  That meeting will determine the next step...transplant or more chemo.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

OH, The Ride We're on...

Ralph managed another round of chemo with the same effects as the last one. He was in the hospital for 4 days. Michael, Erin, Eric, and Mallory took turns at his bedside while I worked and Megan and Nathan enjoyed a, well deserved, cruise that she earned during her first year as a State Farm Agent. After Mallory graduated, from Pitt, with her master's degree in Speech and Language Pathology, on April 28th, I brought Ralph home. He, basically, slept for 3 days. On Wednesday, he found the energy to leave the house. Each day, he finds more strength (and sass). His platelet count was adequate, on May 3rd...we will see what Monday brings. He keeps busy telling landscapers and the dogs what to do...among others, I'm sure :) For the first time, ever, he has planned a picnic, with our children, and I am to "just show up". That is A-O-K with me! As always, please keep us in your prayers. We have a long road ahead...the ride can make us nauseous. We live in a holding-our-breath state...but we live...we laugh...we make memories...we are hopeful...and we are grateful!