Thursday, July 26, 2012

Labwork Looks Good...

Ralph's blood work showed counts high enough for him not to be considered neutropenic.  He is still going to be cautious until after his hematology oncology appointment on the 31st. 

When running errands, Ralph has been wearing his mask and riding along.  He stays in the car, but it is obvious that the energy that he exerts for that exhausts him.   His appetite is pretty good, and he is very thirsty.  He is also making an effort to drink a lot to flush his body from chemo. 

He attempts some paperwork.  Phone calls and short visits, when he can sit outside, are welcome. 

Your cards, messages, caring, and prayers lift us.  Thank you!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

14 days later...

Ralph's white cell count was high enough (4) to come home!  As scary as it is for me, he is thrilled to be in his own bed.  His home comments included, "We have a nice yard" and "you don't know how good my bed feels".  Well, I have an idea about both since I tried to create a clean comfortable bed and a picturesque yard.  However, I hope that I never have to gain the appreciation that Ralph has for either.

He spent most of the first evening in his room.  He did come downstairs to eat and took the dogs out.  He walked through the yard then back to his room. 

He is still a little anxious and gets confused unless he focuses on one thing at a time.  I am trying to get him to focus on staying germ free and forget the rest.  He plans to greet visitors next week...outside only.  Hopefully, that works out for him.

Your cards and well wishes and calls and prayers give us strength and courage.  Thank you!  We plan to have a break from thinking about Multiple Myeloma for awhile.  We plan to try a carefree look on life! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.

Through the grace of God, there have been no surprises.  Ralph is weathering this storm with little resistance.  He allows medications that comfort him, he walks as much as he can, he remains polite and cordial to the staff, and sleeps a lot.  He told his neighbor that he is leaving on the 26th (17 days as a hostage). 

We look forward to significant evidence of him gaining strength.  Again, thank you for the cards, well wishes, inquiries, thoughts, and prayers.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better.

This is definitely not an easy trek, but there have been no surprises.  Ralph is experiencing exactly what is expected, and the worse is yet to come.  His appetite is, basically, nonexistent...ginger-ale and wedding soup are okay. He gets restless and uncomfortable then will sleep soundly.  He is required to walk and is still willing. As long as he keeps drinking, he will not have an IV.

He, continuously, invites the medical staff, to our house next summer, for swimming and steaks...they have agreed :)

Ralph really appreciates all the messages that have been sent...I report each :)  Thank you for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Patience is a virtue...another birth is called!

The day, that we have waited for since November 2011, is here!  Ralph has endured months of chemo and the effects.  The ride has been a roller coaster of physical, mental, and emotional stress!  We gained strength from our faith and the prayers and well wishes of friends and family!

In the past two days, he has received a year's worth of chemo to, hopefully, kill any trace of mutiple myeloma cells.  (Unfortunately, it also depletes the body of good cells, but he has tolerated that just as well.)  He is nauseous, but there is great medicine to give enough relief for him to relax and rest.  He is weak.  He is quiet.  Today, all medical staff wore gloves and cover-ups when entering the room. More machines are present. The staff's enthusiasm for the ability to have a sct is evident...a celebration!

At 10:24, his nurse began to hook up the machines to Ralph.  At 10:28 the cells were wheeled in in a small freezer.  The 15 minute protocal was very official and the frozen cells were guarded by 3 nurses who checked and rechecked and checked again that he received his cells. (My stomach ached as I feared something freakish happening to those cells before they got into Ralph's system.  I held my breath.) 

REJOICE!  After giving him a mint so that he wouldn't taste, at 10:39 Ralph received his own healthy stem cells that he harvested in 2009.  It only took 9 minutes to return the cells, through an IV, into his body.  They find their way back from where they came.  Those 25 minutes were very much hope being poured into his miracle!  (Not knowing why, but I always think of the Green Mile when I reflect on witnessing this procedure.  In that movie, the character sucks the illness out and releases it into the air.  In Ralph's case, all the good cells are released into his body.)

Before he gets better, he will feel much worse.  The cells will start to regenerate, in his bone marrow, immediately but will not be evident for 10 days.

Praise the Lord for the miracles we witness in the name of medical marvels!  Doctors, nurses, researchers, have been blessed...thank you for sharing your gifts!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The time is now...

Last weekend, we had a great time at Erin's and Michael's wedding!  We feel blessed that friends and family traveled to share our celebration.  We laughed, we drank, we ate, we danced, and we have lifetime memories! 

Ralph's tests are complete, and he is going to be admitted for transplant on Monday.  We have the courage to face our fears and the faith to believe that we will be standing at the end of this hospital trek.

Over the next few days, Ralph is going to hit a few golf balls, do a little this 'n that, and dance the night away, on Saturday, at our dear friends' daughter's wedding!

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  God bless!