Friday, April 20, 2012

Life is not meant to be run as a marathon. It is to be a series of sprints. The idea is to be standing at the end.

The children and I are doing a fine job of running a relay...taking turns at caregiving. We have certainly proven that we are a family. Ralph and I could not be more proud and pleased. Our children are our strength...the wind beneath our wings!

On this Tuesday, one day after the 40th anniversary of Ralph and I meeting at Route 19 Bowling, Ralph will be admitted to Shadyside for a second 24/4 chemo cocktail. This will be the same as the one in March. It is, apparently, not uncommon to receive this, a second time, with better results. From what I understand, he will receive this type of treatment until the Myeloma no longer responds or until his counts are VERY low to nondetectable. AND, if this is not enough to transplant, there is PLAN C...

Between treatments, we are enjoying life by planning weddings, showers, rehearsal dinners, and graduations. We enjoy times with friends and the kids. Do we have down days? YES, but we seem to be able to bounce back quickly. This is God's plan, and we hope to appear graceful, poised, thankful, blessed, hopeful, and faithful.

Thank you for your continued support through prayers, thoughts, kind words, inspiration, and unselfish gestures. Those keep our spirits lifted! May you each be blessed with good health, true friends, and peace of mind!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Ralph is rebounding from the effects of a week long chemo treat! Last Sunday, he did receive a booster shot to help his white blood cells. He needed platelets 6 days after coming home. This is not a surprise. He is not to be in large crowds or in enclosed places such as restaurants, stores, etc. His immune system needs to build up again. Fortunately, the kids are coming over this afternoon for a "POT LUCK" Easter feast. We will be able to open doors and windows and will have enough room to limit his contact with our germs. Being that he is used to our germs, our presence is not as big of a risk. He has a bone marrow biopsy on the 16th...please pray that his Myeloma is undetectable so that he can have his stem cell transplant to get on the DAnCE floor for Michael's and Erin's wedding at the end of June.

Easter blessings to you and yours! Spring gives us hope and hope promotes our faith and both are in the name of love!