Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We'll do this EVEn BETTER this time 'RoUnD!

Ralph’s Myeloma cells are becoming more aggressive, so another transplant will be done to put it back into remission. His own stem-cells are already harvested. He will go through 4 rounds of chemo starting within the next 2 weeks. The transplant is scheduled for March. There are a lot of new drugs coming out, based on research, for Multiple Myeloma. We are encouraged.

We are stronger, this time, because we know what to expect. We appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers. They certainly helped us before!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

perhaps a glitch, perhaps not

It has been a really long time since I have made an entry...things had been stable. We enjoyed a family vacation in Bethany Beach and celebrated Michael and Mallory becoming engaged to a really wonderful young lady and gentleman. We look forward to weddings in June and September.

About 3 weeks ago, Ralph complained of his upper ribs hurting. Luckily, the pain subsided, but a CT scan revealed that he had a cracked rib...NO NEW LESIONS, though...phewwww! Bloodwork revealed that his white blood count was significantly low, his red blood cell count was out of whack as well as his protien levels...daily chemo was stopped...he had been on it for 2 years and protocol was only a 2 year maintenance, anyway.

After Ralph's stem-cell transplant, his Myeloma level was 3; a year later, 4; June 2011;7. According to his oncologist, it is not a concern until it is at 10, and can reach a point and level off. He sees his hemotology ongologist tomorrow at Hillman.