Saturday, December 1, 2012

In a nutshell...

Oh my!  2012 was one crazy, emotional roller coaster ride with a series of peaks and valleys...a year of fear, hope, faith, and of dreams coming true!

We started out the year with Ralph having chemo treatments in preparation of his second stem-cell transplant.  The transplant would only be scheduled when his counts were deemed to be as low as they could reach.  Each month, we held our breath hoping that the chemo was effective for him to receive his transplant before Michael's and Mallory's weddings.  Then the reality came that he might have to miss one or the other or both.  With God's grace, Ralph received his transplant in between both weddings and danced at both!

Michael and Erin were married on June 30th.  The ceremony took place at her aunt's family's winery, and the reception was on her family's farm in central PA.  The event was picture perfect!  The rolling hills of PA set the scene, and every detail was exactly the way that they envisioned.  Friends and family traveled, and fun was had by all!  They honeymooned in Hawaii.  Michael has just accepted a new corporate accounting job, and he and Erin have begun considering buying another or building a new house.

Megan and Nathan have committed to a new town home, being built, in Bridgeville.  They hope to move in by August.  They may need to stay with us after the home that they sold closes.  Megan continues to thrive, with her State Farm Insurance office, in McMurray.  She keeps herself extra busy with community events, committees, and helping to coach a dance team in Peters Township.

Mallory and Eric were married on September 8th, at Lingrow Farm, in Leechburg, PA.  She imagined a barn with twinkle lights, and that's exactly what she found!  Again, friends and family traveled to celebrate and dance the night away.  They plan to honeymoon next summer.  Mallory graduated from Pitt last spring and is a speech therapist in the McGuffey School District.  They are committed to building a house in Kennedy Township.

I transferred to the middle school, this year, and love my new position in eighth grade pre-algebra and physical science as an Inclusion teacher.  I kept myself busy all summer.  As if preparing for and planning Mallory's bridal shower, in our yard, wasn't enough, I also planned and supervised the retirement resort that we are building on the rear of our property.  At least 35 trees were cleared to make room for a pool and amenities.  We hope to be complete by May.  Ralph and I are pretty excited to be able to relax and entertain and refuel without leaving home!   We also remodeled our bathroom to create a zen retreat.  It's been a joy to watch dreams become realities...we are blessed!

The girls and I are planning a short trip to NYC for a show and shopping between Christmas and New Year's.  In June, we plan to travel to Mexico for a family vacation!  Ralph and I continue to live life to the fullest!  We take nothing for granted.  Our faith is strong, and we live with hope!  We count our blessings and have rearranged our priorities.

Together, Ralph and I wish you all the joys that life can bring!  We wish you good health and safety!  We wish you peace of mind, the love of family, true friendship, and laughter with each new day!

 Merry Christmas!  Happy New Year!

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